Today in the school we celebrated Halloween. My costume was of killer Santa Clouse, Alicia was
of Zombi, Lydia of the girl from the Exorcist, Alexandra Zombi too, Adriana of Vampire and finaly Adam and Cristian of fans of the Barcelona they were ``cules´´. We did the song of Thriller by Michael Jackson and then we gave a scare to Manoli our teacher and she realy scared. After that we went to the playground to say trick or treack to the people that we saw. When the playground finished we went with the auxiliar to do some games. After we ate we went to see Igor. when the school was almost to finished we went to eat something, it was a great day. but the best thing was that after the school i was going to Bilbao to see my other family and to celebrate

                       HALLOWEEN!!!! HA HA HA HA           

the 2011 tour of Spain

On 11 of september of 2011 I went whith my family and some friends to see the final race of the ``tour of Spain´´. There was a Vip area and we enter because my father has a friend that works there. the Vip area was amazing. After the race we went to take same photos with the cyclist. Then we whent to a bar to eat and drink something.
When we went home we saw a film to finish the day. It one of my best days of my life.
The good thing was that the next day there wasnt school because there was stile some days of vacacions.


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